Board Game Study : From Leisure to Transformative Learning

Decharut Sukkumnoed


Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University



In Thailand, German-style board games have gained popularity as a stylish hobby for the new generation. Their advantage over hundreds of leisure choices is not only to have fun with friends, but also the unique ability of such games to stimulate thinking and learning skills. Therefore, from hobby and educational leisure, board games are now being designed to be used as game-based learning.


In game-based learning, the specific learning purposes, namely knowledge-attitude-practices, are identified and then developed appropriate to board game mechanisms to allow the learners to have fun, to discover and to experience the lessons learnt from their own decisions, actions and interaction during the games. Through this unique learning style, knowledge and feeling go hand-in-hand, leading to better opportunities for transformative learnings, as can be seen in various cases of well-design learning games.



(Presented in the conference : 2017 Chulalongkorn Asian Heritage Forum : Culture of Leisure – Balance of Life, 7-8 August 2017, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand)