Leisure Education : Aims, Channels and Strategies for Balanced Life

Atara Sivan


Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University



Leisure education is a significant process for enhancing people’s quality of life. It is regarded as a vital part of socialisation that aims to foster the development of knowledge, values, attitudes and skills relevant to leisure. Underpinned by two major life domains, leisure education is highly advocated for implementation in educational settings. Drawing on several decades of leisure education research and practice, this presentation will illuminate the multifaceted nature of leisure education and examine its aims in contemporary society. A range of channels and practical strategies for application of leisure education in schools to widen students’ learning and prepare them for life will be presented. A holistic framework for integrative leisure education will be offered in light of recent educational reforms that call for whole person education and life-wide learning. Special attention will be given to pedagogies that enhance knowledge through exposure, inculcate values through modelling, develop attitudes through positive reinforcement and build up skills through guided trial and error in a nurturing environment. The presentation will be supported with examples from studies on leisure education in schools and a comprehensive leisure education curriculum of which the author served as a scientific consultant. Implications will be drawn to ways in which educators can best utilize leisure education for enjoyable learning and personal growth by students.



(Presented in the conference : 2017 Chulalongkorn Asian Heritage Forum : Culture of Leisure – Balance of Life, 7-8 August 2017, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand)