Acknowledgements (2013 Chulalongkorn Asian Heritage Forum: The Emergence and Heritage of Asian Women Intellectuals)

On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to express my appreciation for all the efforts of the many people and organizations that have contribute to this event.


This conference is a part of the celebration of the auspicious 150th Birth Anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Srisavarindira, the Queen Grandmother of Thailand who was recognized as one of the World’s Eminent Personalities by UNESCO in 2012.


Deep gratitude and recognition must also be given to The Rockefeller Foundation for their generous financial support given to this event.


Finally, sincere appreciation is extended to all the scholars who have graciously accepted to share their wisdom in this venue. Their contribution is a genuine reflection of the success of this auspicious conference.



Suchitra Chongstitvatana, Ph.D


Director, Institute of Thai Studies

Chulalongkorn University