Fragment from Panji Sekartaji Dance

Wilwatikta Institute of Arts Surabaya


Arranged by Ministry of Education and Culture, Director General of Culture, Indonesia



The Dance depicts the situation of Panji Inu Kertapati and his fiance Dewi Sekartaji, where their Kingdom who was under siege from a King from abroad, Prabu (King) Kelono Sewandono, who wants to marry Dewi Sekartaji. Panji Inu Kertapati or Panji Asmorobangun was in deep distress, because his fiancé run into the woods. When at last the two lovers meet, the foreign King was very angry, and a fight ensued. King Kelono Sewandono was defeated, and the two lovers is happily together again.


     RADEN PANJI ASMOROBANGUN : Parrisca Indra Perdana
     PRABU KLONO SEWANDONO : Moh Hariyanto
     DEWI SEKARTAJI : Rischa Alfionita
     LADY IN WAITING : Nafa dessy AP
     LADY IN WAITING : Muti’ah Nur Aini
     LADY IN WAITING : Nurya Dina Abrilia
     LADY IN WAITING : Nisrina Ulfah F


Traditional Music Musicians
     Mochamad Maskur

     Yuddan Fijar ST
     Mochamad pungki

     Joko Susilo
     Suwandi Widianto

     Catur Fredy Wiyogo



(Presented in the 2019 Chulalongkorn Asian Heritage Forum : Panji/Inao – Preserving and Reviving the Shared Heritage of Southeast Asia, 21 June 2019, Sodsai Pantoomkomol Centre for Dramatic Arts, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, organized by Institute of Thai Studies and Department of Thai, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University)