Recipients of ENITAS 2020




Research Topic

Ramayda Akmal


Gadjah University

Between Colonial And Cosmopolitan Vision: The Representation Of Thailand And Indonesia In Contemporary Western Travel Writing

Morragotwong Phumplab


National University of Singapore

Projecting Sea Space: States, Littoral Communities and Meanings of Maritime Realm Between Southern Vietnam and Siam over the Gulf of Thailand from 1767 to the 1840s

John Lee Pamplona Candelaria


Hiroshima University

The politics of Pacific War memorialization in Thailand’s Victory Monument and the Philippines’ Shrine of Valor

Phollakrit Wasriwiwat


Chulalongkorn University

Myths of Phra Borommathat Chedi : The Tale Types and Cultural Significance along the Thai-Malay Peninsula

Rosalia Namsai Engchuan


Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Encounters at the Surface: “they look but they don’t see”. A Comparative Study of Practices of Diasporic Place-making in Berlin, Hong Kong and Taipei

Fernan Lansang Talamayan


National Chiao Tung University

Policing Cyberspace: Understanding Online Repression in Thailand and the Philippines

Vannaporn Phongpheng


Mahidol University

Food History: A Case of Bangkok Street Food Stalls in the Michelin Guide

Manuel Antonio Ato Del Avellanal Carrera


SOAS, University of London

The Philosophy of Thai-Vietnamese Engaged Buddhism: A Convergent Ethical Framework for Mindful Civic Action

Woramate Malasart


University of Otago

The Dhammakāya Text Genre and Its Significance on Tai-Khmer Buddhism and Modern Suppression

Eugenie Merieau


National University of Singapore

Autocratization through Judicial Review: Southeast Asia as a Counter-Narrative