Application Procedures and Contributions

Interested scholars and researchers are required to submit an abstract of no more than 250 words with at least 3 key words as well as a short biography of no more than 200 words including name, address, nationality, email, institute, institute address and position to by 14th February 2021


Selected abstracts will be notified by 1st   March 2021. Following the acceptance of their abstracts, authors should submit a full paper for a double-blind peer review by 30th April 2021 and a final paper within 31st July 2021. (The feedback will be given back to the authors within 8 weeks). Applicants also need to inform the organizers if they wish to participate in the conference.


The participants are expected to fund their own travel and accommodation. Limited financial support for travel expense is available for selected paper. Besides, the six best selected papers will be rewarded 50000THB budget exclude from the travel expense. The grant consideration will be started in the paper review process.


-No registration fee